What is Proofreading?
By Darina Mayfield
Editors Canada defines a proofreader as someone who is tasked with examining material after layout or in its final format to correct errors in textual and visual elements. The material may be read in isolation or against a previous version. A proofreader checks work after editing (i.e., after the developmental editing and copyediting passes); proofreading is not a substitute for editing. In general, a proofreader checks for the following:
No text missing or repeated
​Spelling and Capitalization
Proper nouns, common words, special terms, trademarks, brand names properly spelled / capitalized
Abbreviations, shortened forms properly spelled / capitalized; defined on first use
Proper capitalization following a colon
No punctuation missing, duplicated, or misplaced
Apostrophes used only for possessives or missing letters, not plurals
Apostrophes and quotation marks face the correct way
Parentheses, brackets, quotation marks always in pairs (opening and closing)
Spacing around em dashes and ellipses consistent
Words correctly hyphenated
Correct word division (end-of-line hyphenation)
No hyphen stacks (more than 2-3 consecutive lines ending in hyphens or dashes)
Word and Line Spacing
Words separated by only one space
End punctuation, commas followed by only one space
No orphans or widows (too-short line at end of paragraph or beginning of page)
No tight or loose lines (no “rivers”)
Pleasing rag in rag-right copy
Titles and Headers / Footers
Alignment of and spacing above/below titles, subtitles, headings consistent
Title, subtitles, headings, running headers / footers properly spelled / capitalized
Verso (left) running headers / footers give document or chapter title
Recto (right) running headers / footers give chapter or section title
Sequence correct (consecutive) for chapters, pages, figures
Form (Arabic vs. Roman numerals) consistent
Table of Contents Cross-check
Entries exactly match wording and level of headings in document
Page numbers for entries match document (if applicable)
Images match surrounding text, are high resolution, and include caption and credit information
Tables are logical and have no typos
Gerry Dean Editorial offers proofreading services. Contact us today to learn more.